
Facebook adverse effects for job seekers

Be careful with your facebook!Because Many Job Applicants Rejected Because of Facebook!
Posting something on Facebook is not allowed in vain, particularly for job seekers.
A survey revealed, nearly half the firms have rejected the true potential candidates just because the applicant's Facebook
One out of 10 job applicants was rejected because it has been caught posting something about drinking and drugs.

Then, 13% for making racist comments, and 9% Other reviewed because it was caught putting obscene pictures on the social networking site pages.
The companies began to check the innards of the applicants for Facebook comparing it with a resume curriculum vitae (CV) that is sent.
In fact, as quoted from the Telegraph, Wednesday (13/1/2010), four from the proposal that the company had thrown in after seeing the applicants Facebook.
The description of the impact of Facebook is obtained from Career Builder survey of 450 corporate employees.
Farhan Yasin, president of Career Builder says, sites such as Facebook could be a ticking time bomb.
Many who use networking sites to uncover this" dirty "in cyberspace. Then, clean the item is" dirty "to you before looking for work. Delete all the contents of images and links that could be a stumbling block in finding a job," Yasin appealed about the survey results these
One company called Big Brother admit the biggest mistake made by job seekers is not able to maintain its behavior on Facebook.
Despite having his best polish their resume, but it's useless if you still have a poor record online and can be viewed by anyone

3 komentar:

  1. bagus bgt puisi ini . ..
    jadi ngingetin aku pada seseorang

  2. @jodi,
    sori . . kayaknya anda commentnya salah room,
    kalo mo comment puisi silahkan di link puisi
