
How to Mozilla Firefox Speed ​​up loading

To improve the ability of the Firefox browser, it takes a little extra setting arrangements. Here are tips for doubling the speed of the browser Mozilla Firefox. Good luck.

  1. Turn your Firefox browser and type the command "about: config" (without quotation marks), in the address bar.
  2. You will be taken to the configuration page Firefox. If there is a warning to be careful changing the settings on the page, just click yes or ok.
  3.  In the filter search bar on the configuration page, type "network.http.pipelining". Make sure valuenya is set with value "true". If there is still "false", double click to make it "true".
  4. Back to the filter search bar, type "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests". Double click on this option and change its value (value) to 8.
  5. Back to the filter search bar, type "network.http.proxy.pipelining", double click to change valuenya become 'true'.
  6. Back to the filter search bar, type "network.dns.disableIPv6". Double click to change the value to 'true'.
  7. Right-click anywhere on the configuration page is up, select New -> Boolean. Type "content.interrupt.parsing" in the popup windows that appear and then click OK. When prompted for a choice appears, select 'true'.
  8.  Back right-click a configuration page, select New -> Integer. Type "content.max.tokenizing.time". At the prompt value that appears enter the value 2250000.
  9. Back right-click a configuration page, select New -> Integer. Type "content.notify.interval". Enter the value 750 000 at the prompt that appears.
  10. select New -> Boolean. Type "content.notify.ontimer". Select 'true' value for the field prompt that appears.
  11. Back right-click a configuration page, select New -> Integer. Type "content.notify.backoffcount". At the prompt value that appears fill in the value '5 '.
  12. Back right-click a configuration page, select New -> Integer. Type "content.switch.threshold". Fill in the value of an integer value 750 000 at the prompt that appears.
  13. Finally, again right click on the configuration page, select New -> Integer. Type "nglayout.initialpaint.delay". Enter the value '0 'at the prompt field value that appears.
DO NOT FORGET TO restart Firefox.

Simply put into practice and feel the ability and speed of your Firefox more than doubled compared to the default setting.

Additional settings (optional):

browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs : true
network.http.max-connections : 64
network.http.max-connections-per-server : 20
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy : 10
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server : 4
network.http.request.timeout : 300
network.http.request.max-start-delay = 0
network.http.proxy.version = 1.0

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